Eureka is a registry that helps with service registration and discovery. It is a central component of the microservices ecosystem, allowing service instances to register themselves and facilitating service discovery. Eureka Server is a RESTful service that maintains a registry of all service instances. It provides a way for services to register themselves and for clients to discover the location of a service. Eureka Client is a library that interacts with the Eureka Server to register, deregister, and discover other services. Eureka is a key component of the Spring Cloud Netflix project, which provides a set of tools for building microservices. Following are the benefits of using Eureka in Spring Boot: Service Discovery: Eureka helps in discovering services in a distributed system. High Availability: Eureka provides high availability by maintaining a registry of all service instances. Load Balancing: Eureka can be used to implement load balancing between service instances. Failure Dete
We will either find a way, or make one.